Why I Stopped Doing Trade Shows

For a few years, I exhibited at a lot of trade shows which are industry-only events that aren't open to the public.

I travelled to Halifax, Toronto, New York and Atlanta. And while I'm really proud of how I represented my brand, I had very little success. I think I'm not the best salesperson in face-to-face situations, and with lip balm being so inexpensive I had to sell a lot to make up for those expensive booth fees, flights, hotels.

Most of the time, I didn't even break even let alone make a profit and that had a horrible impact on my mental health.

I finally decided to take a break and focus on online sales, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I realized I enjoy it a lot more and I'm really good at it too!

I found ways to make it work with all our customers from shop owners, to regular people who want fun new lip balms that will make them smile.

Haven't tried our smile-inducing lip balms yet? Get our first-time customer offer here: Start Here Code